Splatter & Spirits by Dorothy
Splatter & Spirits
by Dorothy

About Me
Hello! My name is Dorothy and I teach 'Paint Sip Fun' style classes in Western Massachusetts! I am currently attending college for Art in NY but come back to MA on weekends to teach classes and do photography!
What is
Splatter & Spirits?
Splatter & Spirits is a 'Paint-Sip-Fun' style class where one can learn to paint a new masterpiece while sipping from a refreshing beverage, which can be alcoholic or not. It's up to you!
I teach classes at a local ceramics shop a few weekends a month. I also do small private parties, functions, events, even kid's parties. I am also open to private one on one or couple's classes. The limit of participants is 20.
Contact Me
If you have any questions or would like to book a party or one on one class, contact me by emailing dorothy.thackeray@aol.com, calling 1-413-887-7862 or through my facebook page www.facebook.com/dorothysplatterandspirits
Past Paintings & Classes

Here I am showing how to do the flicks for the 'seeds' of the dandelions.

Here I am showing how to do the flicks for the 'seeds' of the dandelions.